Policymakers around the world face the common problem of using
expertise and assessments in the policy-making process.

A blog about academic institutions
A blog about academic institutions
Research and development in the United States (U.S.) is funded and carried out by institutions and organizations working in various sectors, including the federal government, state governments, businesses, academia, and nonprofit organizations.
Policymakers around the world face the common problem of using
expertise and assessments in the policy-making process.
Nine of the world’s 10 most innovative institutions are in the United States, according to new data published in Nature, a leading scientific journal.
The successes of American science and industry are widely known and in plain sight around the world.
Since the American system of scientific societies has been developing for a long time, not only is it clearly structured and diverse
Research and development in the United States (U.S.) is funded and carried out by institutions and organizations across a variety of sectors
Total national funding for research and development in the U.S. is growing every year and in 1996 amounted to 184.3 billion dollars.